What Courts Handle Reckless Driving Tickets in New York City 5 Reasons to use Ny-defense.com | Law Office of James Medows

What Courts Handle Reckless Driving Tickets in New York City 5 Reasons to use Ny-defense.com

What Courts Handle Reckless Driving Tickets in New York City 5 Reasons to use Ny-defense.com

In New York, reckless driving is one of the most serious types of moving violations as per ny-defense.com. This is because, while other types of moving violations like speeding are categorized as infractions, a reckless driving violation is charged as a misdemeanor. This means reckless driving tickets come with up to 5 points on your driver’s license, potential suspension of your driver’s license, heavy fines, increased car insurance premiums, as well as jail time, and a permanent criminal record. It is also worth noting that as opposed to the rest of the state of New York, reckless driving tickets in New York City and its 5 boroughs are dispensed with increased regularity so there is a great chance that you may be issued with one. The good news is that reckless driving tickets in New York City are not heard at the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB), but are instead handled in criminal court as discussed over at ny-defense.com. This means that, despite the serious nature of a reckless driving ticket, a favorable outcome can be negotiated via a plea bargain, unlike other moving violations in New York City which are handled in the TVB system where there are no plea bargains. Dismissal of reckless driving tickets is also possible when there is a defect in the original ticket filed with the court.

Below is a list of courts in New York City which handle reckless driving tickets, which are also known as pink tickets as articulated over at ny-defense.com:

Manhattan (New York) Criminal Court
346 Broadway
New York, NY 10013

New York Midtown Community Court
314 West 54th Street
New York, NY 10019

Queens Criminal Court
120-55 Queens Blvd
Kew Gardens, NY 11375

Bronx Criminal Court
215 East 161 Street
Bronx, NY 10451

Kings (Brooklyn) Criminal Court
120 Schermerhorn Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Kings (Brooklyn) Community Court
88-94 Visitation Place
Red Hook, NY 11201

Richmond (Staten Island) Criminal Court
26 Central Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10301

If you are facing reckless driving charges, you must have an experienced NYC reckless driving lawyer on your side; one like ny-defense.com and this article will look to list 5 reasons why you should use him if you are heading to criminal court for a reckless driving charge.

Understanding of both the criminal justice system and traffic ticket violations

When it comes to reckless driving tickets, given their serious nature, you must have an NYC reckless driving lawyer like ny-defense.com on your side who understands both the criminal justice system and traffic ticket violations. The top-rated ny-defense.com has extensive experience addressing reckless driving charges. Having an understanding of both the criminal justice system and traffic ticket violations is important because of the dual nature of a reckless driving offense.

Help with negotiations

As already mentioned, and covered in detail over at ny-defense.com, reckless driving tickets are handled in criminal court and not in the TVB system. This means that there is an opportunity to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecutor. This is something that you should explore, particularly if you are a first-time offender as there is an excellent chance that your charge can be negotiated down to a lesser charge like a simple speeding ticket, which won’t come with a criminal record. This is why you should use the top-rated ny-defense.com for such cases as he is an experienced and skilled negotiator who will give you the best possible chance of ending up with a favorable deal.

Help get the ticket dismissed

You may not even have to enter into a plea bargain deal because just because you have been charged with reckless driving doesn’t mean that you will get convicted as per ny-defense.com. The regularity with which reckless driving tickets are handed out in New York City means that there is always a chance that some of them will be dismissed. A good and experienced NYC reckless driving lawyer like ny-defense.com will be able to examine your original reckless driving ticket and see if there are any mistakes, errors, or mistakes that may make a dismissal possible. They will also make sure that the back of your ticket sets forth what was reckless about your driving conduct since, in New York, a mere conclusion that you were driving recklessly is not enough for a conviction and could also constitute grounds for dismissal.

Ability to identify and handle evidentiary problems

Typically, the evidence presented by the prosecutor when it comes to reckless driving cases is from the police officer who issued the summons in combination with other witnesses on the road at the time according to ny-defense.com. This includes video surveillance such as a dashcam or a highway camera, any Radar or Laser device that tracked your speed, as well as the speedometer calibration if your speed was determined by the police officer pacing your vehicle. This is why you need a good and experienced lawyer like ny-defense.com who will be able to challenge any evidence provided by the prosecution including cross-examining any witnesses and challenging the accuracy of the devices in question, including requesting calibration certificates for any Radar guns used to prove that the devices may not have been properly calibrated, which may lead to the case being dismissed.


An underrated benefit that comes with working with a top-rated NYC reckless driving lawyer like ny-defense.com is that you will get the benefit of all their relationships. Unlike you, lawyers generally have relationships with the prosecution, police, and sometimes even the judge. This is true for the highly-rated ny-defense.com who can leverage the relationships he has with all these parties and help get the best deal possible for his clients.

The above are some of the reasons why you should use the top-rated ny-defense.com if you are heading to court to face a reckless driving charge in New York City.