Queens Failure to Yield Ticket Lawyer | Law Office of James Medows

Queens Failure to Yield Ticket Lawyer

A yield violation can lead to a number of negative consequences beyond just the initial fine. Get the defense to beat your citation by working with a Queens failure to yield ticket lawyer.

Getting a traffic ticket for failing to yield can be one of the most frustrating traffic tickets to receive. This moving violation occurs more often than one would think, with many people failing to observe the yield sign altogether and continuing on their way without stopping. On the other hand, many people get tickets and pay the penalties without even being certain that they actually failed to yield.

If you don’t believe that you should have received the ticket or you want to find out if you have other options available, it’s best to consult a qualified Queens failure to yield ticket lawyer from the Law Office of James Medows to help you through the process.

Points for Failing to Yield

If you get a failure to yield ticket, you could end up with points on your license. The law requires that you come to a stop and ensure that there is no oncoming traffic before continuing on your way. If you get caught proceeding without stopping and admit guilt, you will earn three points on your license. If you get a failure to yield ticket twice, you could get stuck with a driver assessment fee, which gets issued at six points.

Fines for Failing to Yield

You can also receive fines if you fail to yield. The traffic ticket you get can cost as much as $150. For many drivers, this is a hefty price to pay, especially if you don’t think you deserved the ticket. Fortunately, an experienced Queens failure to yield ticket lawyer can help you fight the violation, and in some cases, avoid the associated penalties.

Yielding to Vehicles and Pedestrians

A failure to yield ticket is not only issued for not yielding to other vehicles. You could also get this ticket if you fail to yield to a pedestrian. Even without signs present, all drivers are required to wait for pedestrians to cross before proceeding down the road. This can result in expensive penalties that affect you for years into the future, even if there was no damage and no one was hurt.

An Experienced Queens Yield Violation Lawyer

As with any type of traffic ticket, you can’t just choose any attorney to represent your best interests. It’s important that you have an experienced traffic attorney who can work on your behalf to examine the details and get you the best results. This can mean lower penalties, and in some cases, even dismissal of the charges. You have the best chance for success if you have the Law Office of James Medows in your corner.

If there is a chance that you can avoid paying expensive fines and having points added to your license, it’s worth consulting a lawyer before accepting the penalties of your ticket. If you have received a failure to yield ticket in Queens, let us help you get the best possible results.

If you don’t think you deserve the ticket, you shouldn’t have to pay the penalties. Call our office immediately at 917-856-1247 or fill out the form below to get started with a free consultation with a Queens failure to yield ticket lawyer.